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Abstract: (EDP Sciences)
A detailed study of the cores of extensive air showers (EAS) at mountain level (Tien-Shan 690 g/cm2) was carried out in the hybrid experiment HADRON. An analysis of the fine structure of the EAS spectrum in the energy region1015 - 1017 (knee) showed that there are two breaks in the spectrum. Along with the previously known break at an energy of 3 · 1015 eV, a change in the slope of the EAS spectrum is observed at an energy slightly below 1017 eV. In addition the use of a large X-ray emulsion chamber (XREC) as a detector of EAS cores allowed us to obtain several new results. An abnormal scaling violation in hadron spectra for Ne ~ 107 (E0 ~ 1016 eV) means the existence of a penetrating component of non-nuclear origin. The conclusion about the non-nuclear origin of the penetrating component in the primary radiation of CR is confirmed by the data about the excess of muons in the EAS containing hadrons of maximum energies. It is assumed that the mass composition of primary cosmic radiation varies sharply at energies of 1015 - 1016 eV, where quasi-nuclei (strangelets) appear instead of nuclei. A new model of the mass composition of cosmic rays in the region of ultrahigh energies is proposed on this basis .
  • cosmic radiation: spectrum
  • cosmic radiation: mass spectrum
  • cosmic radiation: primary
  • cosmic radiation: model
  • cosmic radiation: UHE
  • radiation: primary
  • scaling: violation
  • showers: atmosphere
  • hadron spectroscopy
  • nuclear emulsion