Summary of the main results of the KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments
20195 pages
Published in:
- EPJ Web Conf. 208 (2019) 03002
Contribution to:
- Published: 2019
Citations per year
Abstract: (EDP Sciences)
The KASCADE and KASCADE-Grande experiments operated in KIT-Campus North, Karlsruhe (Germany) from 1993 to 2012. The two experiments studied primary cosmic rays in the energy range from 1014 eV to 1018 eV, investigating the change of slope of the spectrum detected at 2 - 4 × 1015 eV, the so called knee. We briefly review the performance of the experiments and then the main results obtained in the operation of both experiments: the test of hadronic interaction models, the all particle primary spectrum, the elemental composition of primary cosmic rays (with the first claim of a knee-like feature of the heavy primaries spectrum) and the search for large scale anisotropies.** Now: Head of KIT Division V - Physics and Mathematics*** deceasedReferences(23)