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Abstract: (JACoW)
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project aims at upgrading the LHC by increasing the peak luminosity, to allow collecting 3000 fb1^{-1} for ATLAS and CMS experiments, each, which is ten times more than the initial LHC expectations. The upgrade is based on multiple factors, like: doubling the beam current, operation in levelling mode, the deploying of a stronger and larger aperture inner quadrupole triplet in the low-beta insertions, thanks to the use of Nb3_3Sn superconductor with almost 12 T peak field in the coils. We will make use of compact crab cavities (a novelty for hadrons) to allow almost head-on collisions despite the larger crossing angle. A collimator insertion in the dispersion suppressor region to handle the losses in the cold part of the machine is possible thanks to the use of a few 11 T dipoles based on Nb3_3Sn technology. We also aim at reducing drastically the impedance contribution of collimators by utilizing new materials and coating techniques. Many other new technologies are developed for HL-LHC, like new superconducting links of 100 kA: HL-LHC is important as a technology turning point for future post-LHC HEP colliders as it is for enhancing the LHC Physics reach.
  • luminosity
  • cavity
  • operation
  • quadrupole
  • collider
  • activity report
  • CERN LHC Coll: upgrade
  • magnet: superconductivity
  • cavity: rotation
  • collimator