Shear viscosity and electrical conductivity of the relativistic fluid in the presence of a magnetic field: A massless case

Jul 25, 2019
14 pages
Published in:
  • Pramana 95 (2021) 3, 125
  • Published: Jul 29, 2021

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
We have explored the shear viscosity and electrical conductivity calculations for bosonic and fermionic media, without and with presence of an external magnetic field. For numerical visualisation, we have dealt with their simplified massless expressions. In the presence of a magnetic field, five independent velocity gradient tensors can be designed, and so their corresponding proportional coefficients, connected with the viscous stress tensor, provide us five components of the shear viscosity coefficient. In the existing literature, two sets of viscous stress tensors are available. Starting from them, the present work has obtained expressions for two sets of five shear viscosity coefficients, which can be ultimately classified into three basic components – parallel, perpendicular and Hall components as one get similar expression for the electrical conductivity at the finite magnetic field. Our calculations are based on the kinetic theory approach in relaxation time approximation. Repeating the same mathematical steps under finite magnetic field, which is traditionally practiced in the absence of magnetic field, we have obtained two sets of five shear viscosity components, whose final expressions are in good agreements with earlier references, although a difference in methodology or steps can be noticed. In this context, the present work, for the first time, addresses a detailed calculation of relaxation time approximation (RTA)-based kinetic theory calculations of the second set of five shear viscosity components, which was previously done by Denicol et al (Phys. Rev. D98, 076009 (2018)) in moment method technique. Realising the massless results of viscosity and conductivity for Maxwell–Boltzmann, Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein distribution functions, we have applied them for massless quark gluon plasma and hadronic matter phases, which can provide us a rough order of strength, within which actual results will vary during quark–hadron phase transition. The present work also indicates that the magnetic field might have some role in building perfect fluid nature in RHIC or LHC matter. The lower bound expectation of shear viscosity to entropy density ratio is also discussed. Here, for the first time, we are addressing an analytic expression of temperature- and magnetic field-dependent relaxation time of the massless fluid, for which perpendicular component of shear viscosity to entropy density ratio can reach its lower bound.
  • page 20, 15 figures (Here expressions of 5 shear viscosity components for two sets of tensor structure are addressed)
  • Kinetic theory
  • magnetic field
  • shear viscosity
  • 12.38.Mh
  • 52.30.Cv
  • 52.25.Fi
  • magnetic field: dependence
  • boson: massless
  • entropy: density: ratio
  • fluid: relativistic
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