Determination of cswc_{sw} in Nf=3+1N_f = 3 + 1 Lattice QCD with massive Wilson fermions

Feb 22, 2017
310 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Humboldt U., Berlin
  • Published: Feb 22, 2017

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0 Citations
Abstract: (Humboldt U., Berlin)
In order to obtain sensible results from Lattice QCD that may be compared with experiment, extrapolation to the continuum is crucial. The well-established Symanzik improvement program systematically reduces the order of cutoff effects, allowing for better control of the aforementioned errors, as well as larger and thus more affordable lattice spacings. Applied to the Wilson fermion action, it entails the addition of the Sheikholeslami–Wohlert term with the O(a) improvement coefficient csw. In this work, a strategy is developed for the non-perturbative determination of csw in the theory with Nf=3+1 massive sea quarks. It is embedded in a general, mass-dependent renormalization and improvement scheme, for which we lay the foundations. The improvement condition, formulated by means of the PCAC relation in the Schrödinger Functional, is imposed along a line of constant physics that is designed to be close to the physical mass of the charm quark. The aim of this rather elaborate approach is to avoid large, mass-dependent O(a^2) effects in future large volume simulations with four dynamical quark species. The numerical results are worked out using the tree-level improved Lüscher–Weisz gauge action. Since the gradient flow coupling is employed in the definition of the line of constant physics, its interdependence with the topological charge in regard to critical slowing down and topology freezing is investigated in a supplemental study.
  • Gitter-QCD
  • Charm-Quark
  • O(a)-Verbesserung
  • nicht-perturbative Methoden
  • Lattice QCD
  • charm quark
  • O(a) improvement
  • non-perturbative methods
  • 530 Physik
  • 29 Physik, Astronomie