Towards the SQL Interferometer Length Stabilization at the AEI 10 m-Prototype
201899 pages
Thesis: PhD - Leibniz U., Hannover
- Published: 2018
Citations per year
Abstract: (Leibniz U., Hannover)
New technologies to improve the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors are developed and characterized in prototype facilities across the world. Classical noise sources in the groundbased interferometric detectors will soon be suppressed below the fundamental quantum noise limit which arises from quantum radiation pressure noise at low frequencies and shot noise at high frequencies. The two quantum noise sources intersect at a point on the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL). The SQL is a locus formed from the intersection points of the noise sources for different laser powers. The AEI 10m-Prototype facility will house a Michelson Interferometer with Fabry-Perot cavities to probe the SQL and provide a test bed for technologies to eventually surpass it. The experiments of the AEI 10m-Prototype are installed on three seismically isolated optical benches. The mirrors of the main experiments are individually suspended by cascaded suspension chains, distributed across these benches. The operation of the main interferometer requires a precise control of the mirror positions. This thesis addresses the length stabilization at the AEI 10m-Prototype, separated into active seismic pre-isolation and actuation to the suspended cavity mirrors. Differential motion between the seismically isolated optical benches is measured by a Suspension Platform Interferometer and provides a control signal that can be used for its active stabilization. In the scope of this thesis, the readout sensitivity of the Suspension Platform Interferometer was improved and the originally intended noise floor was surpassed. The stability is transfered to the experiments at the AEI 10m-Prototype by a feedback system. It controls the optical tables relative to each other and suppresses the differential motion by more than four orders of magnitude to 10 pm Hz^1/2 at 100 mHz. The suspension point motion of the cavities converts angular displacement to the cavity length. These angular degrees of freedom are controlled by a set of optical levers, and the development, implementation and characterization of these sensors is demonstrated. Together with the Suspension Platform Interferometer, the residual suspension point motion of a cavity was suppressed by up to three orders of magnitude. The active seismic pre-isolation is fully commissioned and operating. A new concept for an Electro Static Drive (ESD) is investigated and the performance of the suspension chain, the actuators as well as the ESD technique is characterized using a preliminary experiment set up to mimic one arm of the sub-SQL interferometer. Two suspensions chains were built, equipped with pilot optics and installed in the AEI 10m-Prototype system forming a Fabry-Perot cavity of length 10.8 m. The so-called Single Arm Test experiment proves key technologies and additionally the installed detection chain and the input path will allow for a fast commissioning of the sub-SQL interferometer.- Ground-based gravitational wave detection
- laser interferometry
- seismic isolation
- mirror suspension
- thesis
- laser: interferometer
- mirror: cavity
- gravitational radiation detector
- interferometer: design
- noise: suppression
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