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0 Citations
Abstract: (World Scientific)
The interaction mechanism of K*Λ photoproduction is re-analyzed within a Regge-inspired effective Lagrangian approach. The result shows that the differential cross-section data for γp → K*+Λ can be satisfactorily described by introducing the only N(2060)5/2− resonance in the s channel, which is quite different from our earlier work performed in an effective Lagrangian approach [A. C. Wang et al., Phys. Rev. C 96, 035206 (2017)], where the amplitudes are computed by evaluating Feynman diagrams and it is found that apart from the N(2060)5/2− resonance, at least one additional resonance is indispensable for reproducing the data. Although the individual terms of the background contributions on the angular distributions are found to be highly model dependent, the extracted mass of N(2060)5/2− from different models tends to be coincident, independent on how the t-channel amplitudes are constructed, whereas the width does not.
  • K* photoproduction
  • effective Lagrangian approach
  • nucleon resonances
  • K*(892): photoproduction
  • Lambda: photoproduction
  • effective Lagrangian
  • Regge
  • nucleon resonance
  • differential cross section
  • angular distribution
0 References