Search for the Decay Bs0ηηB_s^0 \rightarrow \eta^\prime \eta

Sep 13, 2020
15 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
In the Standard Model (SM) charmless hadronic decays Bs0ηηB_s^0 \rightarrow \eta^\prime \eta proceed via tree-level bub\to u and penguin bsb\to s transitions. Penguin transitions are sensitive to Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) physics scenarios and could affect the branching fractions and {\it CP} asymmetries in such decays. Once branching fractions for two-body decays Bsηη,ηη,ηηB_s \to \eta\eta, \eta\eta^{\prime}, \eta^{\prime}\eta^{\prime} are measured, and the theoretical uncertainties are reduced, it would be possible to extract {\it CP} violating parameters from the data using the formalism based on SU(3)/U(3) symmetry. To achieve this goal, at least four of these six branching fractions need to be measured. Only the branching fraction for Bs0ηηB_s^0 \to \eta^{\prime}\eta^{\prime} has been measured so far.
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • electron positron: colliding beams
  • B/s0: hadronic decay
  • CP: violation
  • eta
  • eta(958)
  • symmetry: U(3)
  • B/s0: branching ratio: measured
  • penguin
  • tree approximation