SMEFT ATLAS of Δ\DeltaF = 2 transitions

Sep 15, 2020
73 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 12 (2020) 187
  • Published: Dec 29, 2020

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
We present a model-independent anatomy of the ∆F = 2 transitions K0^{0}K0 {\overline{K}}^0 , Bs,d_{s,d}Bs,d {\overline{B}}_{s,d} and D0^{0}D0 {\overline{D}}^0 in the context of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We present two master formulae for the mixing amplitude [M12_{12}]BSM_{BSM}. One in terms of the Wilson coefficients (WCs) of the Low-Energy Effective Theory (LEFT) operators evaluated at the electroweak scale μew_{ew} and one in terms of the WCs of the SMEFT operators evaluated at the BSM scale Λ. The coefficients Paij {P}_a^{ij} entering these formulae contain all the information below the scales μew_{ew} and Λ, respectively. Renormalization group effects from the top-quark Yukawa coupling play the most important role. The collection of the individual contributions of the SMEFT operators to [M12_{12}]BSM_{BSM} can be considered as the SMEFT atlas of ∆F = 2 transitions and constitutes a travel guide to such transitions far beyond the scales explored by the LHC. We emphasize that this atlas depends on whether the down-basis or the up-basis for SMEFT operators is considered. We illustrate this technology with tree-level exchanges of heavy gauge bosons (Z′, G′) and corresponding heavy scalars.
  • 76 pages, 13 figures
  • QCD Phenomenology
  • new physics
  • scale: electroweak interaction
  • renormalization group: effect
  • gauge boson: heavy
  • scalar
  • Z'
  • coupling: Yukawa
  • top: coupling