Positivity bounds on Minimal Flavor Violation
Nov 25, 2020
32 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 04 (2021) 115
- Published: Apr 13, 2021
- 2011.12855 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- DESY-20-201,
- DESY 20-201
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Abstract: (Springer)
From general analyticity and unitarity requirements on the UV theory, positivity bounds on the Wilson coefficients of the dimension-8 operators composed of 4 fermions and two derivatives appearing in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory have been derived recently. We explore the fate of these bounds in the context of models endowed with a Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) structure, models in which the flavor structure of higher dimensional operators is inherited from the one already contained in the Yukawa sector of the Standard Model Lagrangian. Our goal is to check whether the general positivity bounds translate onto bounds on the Yukawa coefficients and/or on elements of the CKM matrix. MFV fixes the coefficients of dimension-8 operators up to some multiplicative flavor-blind factors and we find that, in the most generic setup, the freedom left by those unspecified coefficients is enough as not to constrain the parameters of the renormalizable Yukawa sector. On the contrary, the latter shape the allowed region for the former. Requiring said overall coefficients to take natural values could give rise to bounds on the Yukawa couplings. Remarkably, at leading order in an expansion in powers of the Yukawa matrices, no bounds on the CKM entries can be retrieved.Note:
- 21 pages + appendices, 5 figures; references added, additional comments in the conclusions added
- Beyond Standard Model
- Effective Field Theories
- new physics
- flavor: violation: minimal
- standard model
- effective field theory
- operator: dimension: 8
- operator: higher-dimensional
- unitarity
- analytic properties
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