Non-Gaussianity in D3-brane inflation

May 8, 2021
65 pages
Published in:
  • JCAP 02 (2022) 02, 013
  • Published: Feb 9, 2022

Citations per year

Abstract: (IOP)
We update predictions for observables in the `delicate' D3/D3 inflationary model on the conifold. We use a full CMB likelihood calculation to assess goodness-of-fit, which is necessary because in this model the ζ power spectrum often cannot be approximated as a power-law over observable scales. For the first time we are able to provide accurate forecasts for the amplitude of three-point correlations. In a significant portion of its parameter space the model follows Maldacena's single-field prediction f_NL≈ -(5/12)(ns1_{s-1}) if |nt_{t}| ≪ 1. Therefore |fNL_{NL}| is usually small when the power spectrum satisfies observational constraints. In a small number of cases the bispectrum is instead dominated by effects from rapid switching between angular minima. The resulting amplitudes are larger, but mostly with unacceptable spectral behaviour. In the most extreme case we obtain |fNL_{NL} eq^{eq}| ∼ 75 at kt_{t}/3 = 0.002 Mpc1^{-1}. It has been suggested that the quasi-single field inflation (`QSFI') mechanism could produce significant 3-point correlations in this model. We do observe rare shifts in amplitude between equilateral and squeezed configurations that could possibly be associated with QSFI effects, but more investigation is needed to establish the full bispectrum shape. There is evidence of `shape' running between equilateral and squeezed configurations that may be inherited from the scale dependence of the spectrum. We explore the dependence of observables on discrete choices such as the truncation point of the potential. Our analysis illustrates the advantages of a standard format for information exchange within the inflationary model-building and testing community.
  • 65 pages plus appendices. See Code & Data tab for data deposit. v2: Minor changes. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in JCAP. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/02/013
  • cosmology with extra dimensions
  • inflation
  • string theory and cosmology
  • inflation: model
  • power spectrum
  • correlation
  • bispectrum
  • spectral
  • conifold
  • D-brane