Cosmological and astrophysical signatures of alternative dark sector models

Jul 29, 2020
282 pages
  • José Alberto Ruiz Cembranos
  • Antonio López Maroto
Thesis: PhD
  • UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.,
  • Madrid U.
  • Published: Jul 29, 2020

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0 Citations
Abstract: (UCM, Somosaguas)
The main task of cosmology is to understand both the current state of the Universe and its past history. It aims to answer fundamental questions like how has the Universe evolved or what are its constituents. Even though cosmology has developed over the last century, the last two decades have witnessed a revolution. During the XX century, there were many competing cosmological models with very definite observational predictions. However, the observations were not good enough to test these predictions. During the last twenty years the situation has been reversed.The amount and quality of empirical data have increased to the point where cosmology has become an observationally driven science...
  • Cosmology
  • signature
  • magnetic field
  • dark matter
  • fuzzy
  • cosmological constant
  • background
  • graviton
  • statistical
  • star