Unbiased Estimation of Corrections to Scaling by Partial Differential Approximants
Mar 1, 1982
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
High-temperature series for two bcc lattice models which interpolate between the Gaussian (or free-field) model and the S=12 Ising model are analyzed by partial differential approximants. Series to order 21 in both x∝1T and the interpolation parameter, y, yield unbiased estimates for the correction-to-scaling exponent, θ=0.54±5, and the susceptibility exponent, γ=1.2385±15. The results are universal and agree tolerably with field-theoretic estimates and well with biased, one-variable analyses of general spin Ising models.- 02.60.+y
- 64.60.Fr
- 05.70.Jk
- 75.10.Hk