Meson-Baryon Couplings Revisited

Sep 12, 2021
10 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
The theoretical evaluation of the coupling constants gpiNN , gKNLambda and gKNSigma is undertaken using QCD sum rules. These quantities were previously calculated with exponential (Borel) kernels used to suppress the unknown contributions of the hadronic continua. This method however introduces arbitrariness and instability in the calculation. In order to avoid these I redo the calculation using polynomial kernels tailored to vanish at the baryonic resonance masses. The results are gpiNN = 12.5 +- 1.0, gKNSigma = 5.45 +- .4, gKNSigma= -(12.7 - 15.0) which are close to experiment and to the predictions of SU(3) and which , with the corresponding Goldberger-Treiman Discrepancy satisfy quite well the Dashen-Weinstein relation.
  • 10 pages, 3 figures. version 3
  • baryon resonance: mass
  • quantum chromodynamics: sum rule
  • resonance: mass
  • meson baryon: coupling
  • stability
  • symmetry: SU(3)