Quantum machine learning with subspace states

Jan 31, 2022
32 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We introduce a new approach for quantum linear algebra based on quantum subspace states and present three new quantum machine learning algorithms. The first is a quantum determinant sampling algorithm that samples from the distribution Pr[S]=det(XSXST)\Pr[S]= det(X_{S}X_{S}^{T}) for S=d|S|=d using O(nd)O(nd) gates and with circuit depth O(dlogn)O(d\log n). The state of art classical algorithm for the task requires O(d3)O(d^{3}) operations \cite{derezinski2019minimax}. The second is a quantum singular value estimation algorithm for compound matrices Ak\mathcal{A}^{k}, the speedup for this algorithm is potentially exponential. It decomposes a (nk)\binom{n}{k} dimensional vector of order-kk correlations into a linear combination of subspace states corresponding to kk-tuples of singular vectors of AA. The third algorithm reduces exponentially the depth of circuits used in quantum topological data analysis from O(n)O(n) to O(logn)O(\log n). Our basic tool are quantum subspace states, defined as Col(X)=S[n],S=ddet(XS)S|Col(X)\rangle = \sum_{S\subset [n], |S|=d} det(X_{S}) |S\rangle for matrices XRn×dX \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d} such that XTX=IdX^{T} X = I_{d}, that encode dd-dimensional subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}. We develop two efficient state preparation techniques, the first using Givens circuits uses the representation of a subspace as a sequence of Givens rotations, while the second uses efficient implementations of unitaries Γ(x)=ixiZ(i1)XIni\Gamma(x) = \sum_{i} x_{i} Z^{\otimes (i-1)} \otimes X \otimes I^{n-i} with O(logn)O(\log n) depth circuits that we term Clifford loaders.
  • determinant
  • quantum algebra
  • unitarity
  • topological
  • rotation
  • Clifford
  • computer: quantum
  • data analysis method
  • numerical methods
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