Untersuchung der Struktur des QCD-Vakuums mit Hilfe von Overlap-Fermionen

230 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Freie U., Berlin
  • Published: 2008

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Abstract: (Freie U., Berlin)
In this thesis we explore the structure of the QCD vacuum and the nature of the chiral phase transition with the aid of overlap fermions. Since overlap fermions implement exact chiral symmetry and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem on the lattice, they are particularly well suited for investigations of the chiral and topological aspects of the QCD vacuum. A variable cut-off with respect to the eigenmodes of the overlap Dirac operator allows a separation of the infrared nonperturbative degrees of freedom on the scale of the Lambda parameter of QCD from ultraviolet fluctuations observable on the scale of the lattice-cutoff. The primary goal of the thesis is to perform an investigation of the infrared, long ranged aspects of the vacuum which are exposed by the low-lying modes of the overlap Dirac operator. We have developed various tools which allow us to characterise the structure and dimension of any density embedded in the 4-dimensional space-time. By applying these tools both at low temperature (T=0) to quenched QCD and in the vicinity of the high temperature phase transition of full QCD, we are able to describe the structure of the modes and of the topological charge density and to analyse the local selfduality of the underlying gauge fields. The main numerical effort of the thesis is the computation of the full topological charge density and of the lowest O(100) eigenmodes of the overlap operator, which are used to extract various topological observables.
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • lattice gauge theory
  • vacuum structure
  • topological charge density
  • finite-temperature QCD
  • overlap fermions
  • chiral phase transition
  • chiral symmetry