The Hadron Spectrum on a 18**3 X 42 Lattice

May, 1987
45 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 36 (1987) 2813
Report number:
  • CLNS-87/79,
  • LA-UR-87-1545

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We present results for the hadron spectrum of quenched lattice QCD on an 183×42 lattice at β=6.2. We compare r=1/2 Wilson fermions with quark masses in the range mq/ms=1 to 5 to staggered fermions with mq/ms=(1/3 to 2. In the overlap region we find that the spectra agree, and that both yield a−1≊2.5 GeV, if we use mρ to set the scale. We also find that the flavor symmetry of the staggered fermions is restored to a greater degree than at lower β. However, for both types of fermion, the nucleon to ρ mass ratio comes out too high, never dipping below 1.5. We show the advantages to be gained with staggered fermions by using operators nonlocal in time. Using these operators we uncover a second problem: an anomalously light flavor-nonsinglet scalar. We also present results for the π+-π0 electromagnetic mass splitting and for the Landau-gauge gluon propagator.
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • lattice field theory: action
  • fermion: propagator
  • approximation: quenching
  • correlation function
  • hadron spectroscopy
  • gluon: propagator
  • mass difference: (pi+ pi0)
  • symmetry breaking: chiral
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo