Probing the holographic model of N=4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma

Nov 21, 2022
19 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 10, 106017
  • Published: May 15, 2023

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We study Wilson loops in holographic duals of the N=4 SYM quark-gluon plasma. For this we consider the Schwarzschild-AdS5 and Kerr-AdS5 black holes, which are dual to the nonrotating and rotating quark-gluon plasmas, correspondingly. From temporal Wilson loops we find the heavy quark potentials in both backgrounds. For the temperature above the critical one we observe the Coulomb-like behavior of the potentials. We find that increasing the rotation the interquark distance decreases, we also see that the increase of the temperature yields the similar behavior. Moreover, at high temperatures values of the potentials in Kerr-AdS5 are close to that one calculated in the Schwarzschild-AdS5 black hole. We also explore holographic lightlike Wilson loops from which the jet-quenching parameters of a fast parton propagating in the QGP are extracted. We find that the rotation increases the value of the jet-quenching parameter. However, at high temperatures the jet-quenching parameters have a cubic dependence on the temperature as for the AdS black brane.
  • 32 pp, 11 figs; v2: figs. 5-7,9-11 corrected, table 2 fixed, references updated
  • quark gluon: plasma
  • temperature: high
  • duality: holography
  • heavy quark: potential
  • anti-de Sitter
  • rotation
  • Wilson loop
  • black brane
  • critical phenomena
  • horizon