New Hamiltonian Formulation of General Relativity
198716 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 36 (1987) 1587-1602
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Abstract: (APS)
The phase space of general relativity is first extended in a standard manner to incorporate spinors. New coordinates are then introduced on this enlarged phase space to simplify the structure of constraint equations. Now, the basic variables, satisfying the canonical Poisson-brackets relations, are the (density-valued) soldering forms σ̃ aAB and certain spin-connection one-forms AaAB. Constraints of Einstein’s theory simply state that σ̃ a satisfies the Gauss law constraint with respect to Aa and that the curvature tensor FabAB and Aa satisfies certain purely algebraic conditions (involving σ̃ a). In particular, the constraints are at worst quadratic in the new variables σ̃ a and Aa. This is in striking contrast with the situation with traditional variables, where constraints contain nonpolynomial functions of the three-metric. Simplification occurs because Aa has information about both the three-metric and its conjugate momentum. In the four-dimensional space-time picture, Aa turns out to be a potential for the self-dual part of Weyl curvature. An important feature of the new form of constraints is that it provides a natural embedding of the constraint surface of the Einstein phase space into that of Yang-Mills phase space. This embedding provides new tools to analyze a number of issues in both classical and quantum gravity. Some illustrative applications are discussed. Finally, the (Poisson-bracket) algebra of new constraints is computed. The framework sets the stage for another approach to canonical quantum gravity, discussed in forthcoming papers also by Jacobson, Lee, Renteln, and Smolin.- general relativity
- field theory: Hamiltonian formalism
- spinor
- symmetry: SU(2)
- gauge field theory: SL(2,C)
- mathematical methods: geometrical