{CP} / Determination and Other Applications of Lepton and T Quark Polarimetry
Aug 22, 198944 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 41 (1990) 2805
Report number:
- SUNY-BING-8-15-89
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
At an e+e− collider when the decay X→ff¯ occurs, the X rest frame is often known. We assume here that this is the case and work out symmetry tests in this frame. In this paper the P and CP symmetry tests for the decay of integer-spin systems into a pair of vector bosons V1V2 are generalized to the X→τ¯τ and→tt¯ decay modes where the τ's and t's decay weakly. Polarization effects are present in τ decays and are expected to be in top-quark decays provided mt is not ∼smW (113 GeV). They also are expected to occur if other new charged fermions should be discovered. In spite of missing neutrino and antineutrinos in the final state, we find that powerful P and CP symmetry tests can be obtained. At hadron colliders the X rest frame is normally not known. However, these tests may assist or stimulate similar symmetry-test investigations, for example, via Monte Carlo simulations that include the angular momentum properties of the decay process. These τ and/or t polarimetry results for P and CP determination, for determination of the chiral or helicity structure of f or X decay amplitudes, for testing for CP violation, etc., are of current interest. For example, they should be useful in Z and Z′ physics and in searches for the top quark and for Higgs bosons.- boson: decay modes
- decay modes: boson
- amplitude analysis: helicity
- helicity: chiral
- top: polarization
- polarization: top
- tau: polarization
- polarization: tau
- top: pair production
- pair production: top
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