Tree Unitarity in Broken Supergravity. 1. Single Gravitino Amplitude

Jun, 1988
12 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 328 (1989) 469-480
  • Published: 1989
Report number:
  • TIFR/TH/88-38

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
Tree unitarity is studied in a spontaneously broken N =1 supergravity theory containing nonabelian gauge interactions through the high energy behaviour of the amplitude for the reaction gauge boson + gauge boson → gaugino + gravitino. The leading energy dependence expected naively, gets cancelled through super-current conservation. The subleading energy growth survives and leads to a unitarity violation at a critical c.m. energy E cr ∼96πg −1 κ −1 m 3 2 (m g ̃ −2m 3 2 ) −1 . The requirement E cr ≳ κ −1 imposes an upper bound m g ̃ m 3 2 −1 ≲ 2 + 96πg −1 on the gauginogravi tino mass ratio.
  • supergravity
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • postulated particle: gravitino
  • scattering amplitude: asymptotic behavior
  • current: conservation law
  • unitarity