Hyperon signatures in the PANDA experiment at FAIR

Apr 24, 2023
29 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a detailed simulation study of the signatures from the sequential decays of the triple-strange pbar p -> Ω+Ω- -> K+ΛbarK- Λ -> K+pbarπ+K-pπ- process in the PANDA central tracking system with focus on hit patterns and precise time measurement. We present a systematic approach for studying physics channels at the detector level and develop input criteria for tracking algorithms and trigger lines. Finally, we study the beam momentum dependence on the reconstruction efficiency for the PANDA detector.
  • hyperon: signature
  • momentum dependence
  • efficiency
  • tracking detector
  • trigger
  • data analysis method
  • track data analysis
  • anti-p p: annihilation
  • numerical calculations
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