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Abstract: (SISSA)
The recent observation of tera electronvolt neutrinos from NGC 1068 has clarified that the dominant high-energy neutrino sources might actually be gamma-ray dim at these energies. But to understand the whole multi-messenger picture, we need not only to account for the central region of this active galactic nucleus (AGN) but also for its circumnuclear starburst region. In this work, we update a recently published multi-messenger model for AGN-starburst composite galaxies by a detailed treatment of the stochastic acceleration process within the AGN corona.Moreover, we introduce some updates of the multi-messenger data and show that the entire spectrum can still be described very well if both, starburst and AGN corona, are taken into account. In contrast to the previous results a significantly lower CR pressure within the corona is needed and a strong decline of the neutrino flux towards lower energies at about 1 TeV is obtained.
  • neutrino: flux
  • neutrino: particle source
  • acceleration: stochastic
  • AGN
  • composite
  • galaxy
  • cosmic radiation: pressure
  • gamma ray: VHE
  • neutrino: VHE
  • central region