Beam Charge Asymmetries for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Proton at CLAS12

Sep 25, 2023
42 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The parameterization of the nucleon structure through Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) shed a new light on the nucleon internal dynamics. For its direct interpretation, Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) is the golden channel for GPDs investigation. The DVCS process interferes with the Bethe-Heitler (BH) mechanism to constitute the leading order amplitude of the eNeNγeN \to eN\gamma process. The study of the epγep\gamma reaction with polarized positron and electron beams gives a complete set of unique observables to unravel the different contributions to the epγep \gamma cross section. This separates the different reaction amplitudes, providing a direct access to their real and imaginary parts which procures crucial constraints on the model dependences and associated systematic uncertainties on GPDs extraction. The real part of the BH-DVCS interference amplitude is particularly sensitive to the DD-term which parameterizes the Gravitational Form Factors of the nucleon. The separation of the imaginary parts of the interference and DVCS amplitudes provides insights on possible higher-twist effects. We propose to measure the unpolarized and polarized Beam Charge Asymmetries (BCAs) of the e±pe±pγ\vec{e}^{\pm}p \to e^{\pm}p \gamma process on an unpolarized hydrogen target with {\tt CLAS12}, using polarized positron and electron beams at 10.6 GeV. The azimuthal and tt-dependences of the unpolarized and polarized BCAs will be measured over a large (xB,Q2)(x_B,Q^2) phase space using a 100 day run with a luminosity of 0.66×1035\times 10^{35}cm2^{-2}\cdots1^{-1}.
  • Proposal to the Jefferson Lab Program Advisory Committee (PAC51)
  • electron: beam
  • charge: asymmetry
  • hydrogen: target
  • parton: distribution function
  • higher-order: 0
  • nucleon: form factor
  • effect: higher-twist
  • nucleon: structure
  • deeply virtual Compton scattering
  • generalized parton distribution
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