Floquet time crystal in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
Jun 22, 2017Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
In this work we discuss the existence of time-translation symmetry breaking in a kicked infinite-range-interacting clean spin system described by the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. This Floquet time crystal is robust under perturbations of the kicking protocol, its existence being intimately linked to the underlying symmetry breaking of the time-independent model. We show that the model being infinite range and having an extensive amount of symmetry-breaking eigenstates is essential for having the time-crystal behavior. In particular, we discuss the properties of the Floquet spectrum, and show the existence of doublets of Floquet states which are, respectively, even and odd superposition of symmetry-broken states and have quasienergies differing of half the driving frequencies, a key essence of Floquet time crystals. Remarkably, the stability of the time-crystal phase can be directly analyzed in the limit of infinite size, discussing the properties of the corresponding classical phase space. Through a detailed analysis of the robustness of the time crystal to various perturbations we are able to map the corresponding phase diagram. We finally discuss the possibility of an experimental implementation by means of trapped ions.- Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics
- Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics
- Phase diagrams
- Quantum phase transitions