Preliminary tests of real-sized triple GEM detector with high intensity gamma source at GIF++

2 pages
Published in:
  • DAE Symp.Nucl.Phys. 67 (2024) 1245-1246
Contribution to:
  • Published: 2024

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0 Citations
  • [1]
    VECC, Kolkata, India
    • [2]
      HBNI, Mumbai, India and
      • [3]
        GSI, Darmstadt, Germany 1. Introduction The Compressed Baryonic matter (CBM) experiment plans to explore the phase space diagram of strongly interacting matter at finite baryochemical potential. Several detectors will be commissioned at the experiment like silicon tracking station (STS), Time of Flight (TOF) etc. The Indian group headed by VECC, Kolkata is responsible for developing the Muon Chambers (MuCh) for CBM. To test the performance, several experiments are conducted on prototype modules of the detectors. In Aug-Sept, many of these tests were conducted at the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) located at the EHN1-CERN beamline. Two large sized prototype detectors (one of them being triple Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors and other being Resistive plate chamber (RPC)) were tested rigorously in the high radiation environment of GIF++. A muon beam along with three trigger scintillation detectors were also part of the experiment to undertake efficiency and