Exclusive production of in photon-photon collisions
Apr, 198916 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 40 (1989) 2772
Report number:
- NIKHEF-H-89-9
- SLAC-PEP-004
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
We report a measurement of the e+e−→e+e−pp¯π+π− process with the TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the PEP e+e− storage ring at SLAC. Forty-five pp¯π+π− events were identified in data corresponding to an integrated e+e− luminosity of 142 pb−1. The cross section for γγ→pp¯π+π− is given both as a function of the γγ center-of-mass energy Wγγ, with Wγγ between 2.5 and 5.5 GeV, and as a function of the in variant mass squared q2 of one of the photons, with −q2<7 GeV2. This cross section falls much less rapidly with Wγγ than does the cross section for a similar process, γγ→pp¯. No Δ0Δ¯0 production is observed, and only a small fraction of the events at low Wγγ is consistent with γγ→Δ++Δ¯−−, Δ++p¯π−, or Δ¯−−pπ+. In an expanded search through the same data, four events compatible with either ΛΛ¯(Λ→pπ−) or Σ0Λ¯(Σ0→Λγ) production were found.- electron positron: colliding beams
- electron positron: inelastic scattering
- exchange: two-photon
- photon photon: exclusive reaction
- p: electroproduction
- anti-p: electroproduction
- pi: electroproduction
- hadron: multiple production
- channel cross section: energy dependence
- Delta(1232)