Charged Particle Identification Performances in Belle II
Jul 17, 20244 pages
Published in:
- Springer Proc.Phys. 304 (2024) 166-169
Contribution to:
- Published: Jul 17, 2024
Citations per year
0 Citations
Abstract: (Springer)
An efficient Particle identification(PID) is crucial for Belle II as it deals with a much higher event rate than Belle and ultimately with a more extensive background. PID is advantageous in suppressing background, studying rare decays, and for the flavor tagging of B-mesons. We study the charged Kaon and Pion identification performances based on the data collected by the Belle II experiment corresponding to a luminosity of 207 and compare it with Monte Carlo simulations. For the study, the decay mode is reconstructed as it helps to probe the lower momentum region(<0.5 GeV/c). The kaon efficiency and pion misidentification rates are calculated in bins of momentum and polar angle for the different PID criteria.References(5)