Measurement of the Branching Ratio BDνB \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell} using the hadronic Full Event Interpretation with Belle II Data

Jul 17, 2024
167 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Gottingen U.
  • Published: Jul 17, 2024

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Abstract: (Gottingen U.)
The Belle II detector is situated at the asymmetric ee+e^{-}e^{+} collider SuperKEKB at KEK in Tsukuba in Japan, which operates with an energy slightly above the mass of the Y(4S) resonance. As a result, pairs of B mesons are predominantly produced. Due to the clean experimental environment, various measurements to test the Standard Model and precisely determine its parameters can be performed. This is e.g. the element VcbV_{\mathrm{cb}} of the CKM matrix among others, where one of the leading systematic uncertainties arises due to decays of the nature BDνB \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell} .This thesis presents the first measurement of the branching ratio BDνB \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell} using the data set collected with the Belle II detector between 2019 and 2022 and corresponds to about 364  fb1364\;\mathrm{fb^{-1}} of integrated luminosity at the Y(4S) resonance. To reconstruct the "other" B meson, a multivariate analysis tool called "Full Event Interpretation" is used, which reconstructs a variety of different hadronic decay modes. For the reconstruction of the signal side B meson, a light charged lepton is combined with a DD^{**} meson that is reconstructed from various DπD \pi and DπD^{*} \pi combinations. In contrast to previously performed analyses, this analysis also takes the π0\pi^0 into account in the reconstruction of the DD^{**} meson.A selection of events is applied to obtain a sample enriched in BDνB \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell} decays and a binned maximum likelihood fit is performed to determine the branching ratio for the different BDνB \to D^{**} \ell \nu_{\ell} decay channels. To account for effects in the simulation that are currently not well understood, the branching ratio is normalised to the branching ratio of the much more frequent decay BDνB \to D^{*} \ell \nu_{\ell} .
  • 530
  • Physik (PPN621336750)
  • Particle Physics
  • Belle II
  • Semileptonic B Decays