Pseudogap regime of the unitary Fermi gas with lattice auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in the continuum limit

Aug 29, 2024
18 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
The unitary Fermi gas (UFG) is a strongly correlated system of two-species (spin-1/2) fermions with a short-range attractive interaction modeled by a contact interaction and has attracted much interest across different disciplines. The UFG is considered a paradigm for strongly correlated superfluids and has been investigated extensively, with generally good agreement found between theory and experiment. However, the extent of a pseudogap regime above the critical temperature TcT_c for superfluidity is still debated both theoretically and experimentally. Here we study thermodynamic properties of the UFG across the superfluid phase transition using finite-temperature lattice auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AFMC) methods in the canonical ensemble of fixed particle numbers. We extrapolate our lattice AFMC results to the continuous time and continuum limits, thus removing the systematic error associated with the finite filling factor of previous AFMC studies. We determine the critical temperature to be Tc=0.16(1)TFT_c=0.16(1)\, T_{F}. For the largest particle number studied N=114N=114, the energy-staggering pairing gap is suppressed above a pairing scale temperature of T0.2TFT^{*}\approx 0.2\,T_F. The spin susceptibility displays moderate suppression above TcT_c with a spin gap temperature of Ts0.2TFT_s\approx 0.2 \,T_F. We also calculate a free energy-staggering pairing gap, which shows substantially reduced statistical errors when compared with the energy-staggering gap, allowing for a clear signature of pairing correlations in the finite-size system. All results indicate that the pseudogap regime is narrow, with pseudogap signatures emerging at temperatures below T0.2TFT^{*}\approx 0.2 \, T_F. The reduced statistical errors of the free energy gap enable an extrapolation at low temperatures, allowing an estimate of the zero-temperature pairing gap ΔE=0.576(24)ϵF\Delta_E = 0.576(24) \, \epsilon_F.
  • 18 pages, 7 figures