Extragalactic Magnetar Giant Flare GRB 231115A: Insights from Fermi/GBM Observations

Sep 9, 2024

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present the detection and analysis of GRB 231115A, a candidate extragalactic magnetar giant flare (MGF) observed by Fermi/GBM and localized by INTEGRAL to the starburst galaxy M82. This burst exhibits distinctive temporal and spectral characteristics that align with known MGFs, including a short duration and a high peak energy. Gamma-ray analyses reveal significant insights into this burst, supporting conclusions already established in the literature: our time-resolved spectral studies provide further evidence that GRB 231115A is indeed a MGF. Significance calculations also suggest a robust association with M82, further supported by a high Bayes factor that minimizes the probability of chance alignment with a neutron star merger. Despite extensive follow-up efforts, no contemporaneous gravitational wave or radio emissions were detected. The lack of radio emission sets stringent upper limits on possible radio luminosity. Constraints from our analysis show no fast radio bursts (FRBs) associated with two MGFs. X-ray observations conducted post-burst by Swift/XRT and XMM/Newton provided additional data, though no persistent counterparts were identified. Our study underscores the importance of coordinated multi-wavelength follow-up and highlights the potential of MGFs to enhance our understanding of short GRBs and magnetar activities in the cosmos. Current MGF identification and follow-up implementation are insufficient for detecting expected counterparts; however, improvements in these areas may allow for the recovery of follow-up signals with existing instruments. Future advancements in observational technologies and methodologies will be crucial in furthering these studies.