Multi-invariants and Bulk Replica Symmetry

Nov 1, 2024
78 pages
Report number:
  • YITP-24-130,
  • LCTP-24-19

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In this paper, we analyze the question of replica symmetry in the bulk for multi-partite entanglement measures in the vacuum state of two dimensional holographic CFTs. We first define a class of multi-partite local unitary invariants, multi-invariants, with a given replica symmetry that acts freely and transitively on the replicas. We look for a subclass of measures such that the dual bulk geometry also preserves replica symmetry. We obtain the most general solution to this problem if we require the bulk to preserve replica symmetry for general configurations of the regions. Orbifolding the bulk solution with the replica symmetry gives us a bulk geometry with a network of conical singularities. Our approach makes it clear that there are infinitely many infinitely large families of multi-invariants such that each family evaluates identically on the holographic state. Geometrically, these are equalities involving volumes of handlebodies, possibly of different genus, at particular points in the moduli space. In certain cases, we check our bulk computation with an explicit calculation in CFT. Finally we comment on the generalization to higher dimension.
  • 64 pages + appendices, 31 figures
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