Gravitational Dark Matter Production in Supergravity α-Attractor Inflation
Nov 22, 2024e-Print:
- 2411.15030 [hep-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We consider gravitational particle production (GPP) of dark matter (DM) under a supergravity framework, where the α-attractor inflation model is used. The particle spectrum is computed numerically and the DM number density is obtained. We show how the DM mass, gravitino mass and inflation model parameters modify the results, and find the reheating temperature which leads to sufficient DM production. In our setup, supergravity corrections suppress the efficiency of GPP, and make the isocurvature constraint much weaker compared with the normal case. With tensor-to-scalar ratio ranging from 10−3−10−4 and DM mass from 10−2mϕ−mϕ, the required reheating temperature should be around 103GeV−107GeV.Note:
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