The new world discovered with the detection of Gravitational Waves: the era of public alerts
Nov 20, 202427 pages
Published in:
- PoS GOLDEN2023 (2024) 042
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- , 042
- GOLDEN2023
- Published: Nov 20, 2024
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Abstract: (SISSA)
During the first three observing runs of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA Collaboration a total of 90 candidategravitational wave events from the mergers of black hole and neutron stars have been detected. Sincethen, the O4a run took place and the O4b run is presently ongoing, contributing with the detectionof additional mergers. During the runs, all disseminated gravitational events have been the targetof multi-messenger follow-up observations, and at the same time, there has been searches ofgravitational wave emission from electromagnetic events. The present paper reviews the resultsof LIGO-Virgo runs with a focus on the runs in the public alert era.References(227)
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