Upgrade of the CMS Drift Tube electronics for the High Luminosity LHC
Jan 23, 20259 pages
Published in:
- JINST 20 (2025) 01, C01029
Contribution to:
- Published: Jan 23, 2025
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0 Citations
Abstract: (IOP)
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade mandates a comprehensive overhaul of the CMS Drift Tubes (DT) electronics due to trigger rates surpassing current capabilities. Accordingly, a new DT electronics has been designed that not only overcomes the readout limitations but also, will allow to improve the performance of the muon barrel trigger system by increasing the resolution and reducing the fake rates. The on-detector part of this new electronics will continue to perform the time digitization of the DT chamber signals with the required 0.78 ns but will achieve factors closer to 10 in terms of integration, reducing the power dissipation by half. The core of this new on-detector electronics is the On-detector Board for DT (OBDT) board that will allow integrating up to 240 time digitization channels and forward them without data losses, with ∼10 W of power consumption and operating under radiation environment. The backend system will be based in Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) boards and for the first time we have successfully implemented the DT trigger primitive algorithm capable of using the OBDT streamline data and performing the DT muon track reconstruction in the available latency and with very similar to offline resolution. The deployment of OBDTs in a sector of the CMS has allowed to obtain the first results that validate the new architecture and its performance. Rigorous testing procedures have been conducted to ensure the suitability of these systems for the demanding operating conditions of the HL-LHC, with a primary emphasis on functionality and reliability. This report outlines an innovative approach to DT electronics, promising enhanced performance in a challenging HL-LHC environment.- Electronic detector readout concepts (gas, liquid)
- Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics
- Digital electronic circuits
- Front-end electronics for detector readout
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