Progress of the TianQin project

Feb 16, 2025
45 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
TianQin is a future space-based gravitational wave observatory targeting the frequency window of 10410^{-4} Hz 1\sim 1 Hz. A large variety of gravitational wave sources are expected in this frequency band, including the merger of massive black hole binaries, the inspiral of extreme/intermediate mass ratio systems, stellar-mass black hole binaries, Galactic compact binaries, and so on. TianQin will consist of three Earth orbiting satellites on nearly identical orbits with orbital radii of about 10510^5 km. The satellites will form a normal triangle constellation whose plane is nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. The TianQin project has been progressing smoothly following the ``0123" technology roadmap. In step ``0", the TianQin laser ranging station has been constructed and it has successfully ranged to all the five retro-reflectors on the Moon. In step ``1", the drag-free control technology has been tested and demonstrated using the TianQin-1 satellite. In step ``2", the inter-satellite laser interferometry technology will be tested using the pair of TianQin-2 satellites. The TianQin-2 mission has been officially approved and the satellites will be launched around 2026. In step ``3", i.e., the TianQin-3 mission, three identical satellites will be launched around 2035 to form the space-based gravitational wave detector, TianQin, and to start gravitational wave detection in space.
  • 45 pages, 3 figures