Bias-Corrected Importance Sampling for Inferring Beyond Vacuum-GR Effects in Gravitational Wave Sources
Mar 2, 2025Citations per year
0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
The upcoming gravitational wave (GW) observatory LISA will measure the parameters of sources like extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) to exquisite precision. These measurements will also be sensitive to perturbations to the vacuum, GR-consistent evolution of sources, which might be caused by astrophysical environments or deviations from general relativity (GR). Previous studies have shown such ``beyond vacuum-GR'' perturbations to potentially induce severe biases () on recovered parameters under the ``null'' vacuum-GR hypothesis. While Bayesian inference can be performed under the null hypothesis using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers, it is computationally infeasible to repeat for more than a modest subset of all possible beyond vacuum-GR hypotheses. We introduce bias-corrected importance sampling, a generic inference technique for nested models that is informed by the null hypothesis posteriors and the linear signal approximation to correct any induced inference biases. For a typical EMRI source that is significantly influenced by its environment but has been inferred only under the null hypothesis, the proposed method efficiently recovers the injected (unbiased) source parameters and the true posterior at a fraction of the expense of redoing MCMC inference under the full hypothesis. In future GW data analysis using the output of the proposed LISA global-fit pipeline, such methods may be necessary for the feasible and systematic inference of beyond vacuum-GR effects.Note:
- 13 pages, 6 figures
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