Photoproduction, Paramagnetic Anisotropic Plasma, IR Log-Gravitational-DBI Renormalization and -Structure Induced (Almost) Contact 3-Structures in Hot Strongly Magnetic MQCD at Intermediate Coupling
Mar 10, 2025Citations per year
0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
After obtaining the flavor -brane gauge fields/their fluctuations in the type IIA dual of T>T_c QCD-like theories at intermediate coupling (via the -theory uplift's corrections) in the absence/presence of a strong magnetic field, we compute the photoproduction spectral function and get a nice agreement with gauged supergravity backgrounds arXiv:2204.00024 [hep-th]. We demonstrate from the EoS that the holographic dual, in principle, could correspond to several scenarios: stable wormhole, stable wormhole transitioning via a smooth crossover to dark energy as the universe cools, and a paramagnetic pressure/energy-anisotropic plasma. Given that QGP is expected to be paramagnetic, see Bali et al '14, the third possibility appears to be the preferred one. We also show that it is not possible that the anisotropic plasma leads to the formation of a compact star. IR renormalization of the DBI action requires a boundary Log-det-Ricci-tensor counter term. {\it Noting (i) photoproduction spectral function, speed of sound, etc. determined from gauge field fluctuations receiving -corrections, if complexified, include a non-analytic-complexified gauge-coupling dependence, and correspond to Contact 3-Structures; (ii) pressure/energy density, etc. determined from world-volume gauge fields and not -corrected, if complexified, are analytic in the complexified gauge coupling, and correspond to Almost Contact 3-Structures (AC3S) both induced from the structure of a closed seven-fold, we conjecture (i) the lack of -path connectedness in the parameter space associated with AC3S and C3S arXiv:2211.13186[hep-th] to be equivalent to that gauge field fluctuations can not be finite, and (zero-instanton sector) non-renormalized gauge fields produce -corrected gauge fluctuation; (ii) C3S--UV--> AC3S.}Note:
- 1+70 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; LaTeX
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