Residual Quantum Symmetries of the Restricted {Sine-Gordon} Theories

31 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 340 (1990) 721-751
  • Published: 1990
Report number:
  • CLNS-90-974,
  • SACLAY-SPH-T-90-009

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
Various aspects of the Restricted sine-Gordon (RSG) theories for the coupling β 2 8π = p p+1 are examined. The particle spectrum is interpreted in terms of generalized kinks for the RSG potential, which is shown to effectively contain p −1 degenerate vacua. Simple arguments based on a study of the topological charge show that in the massless limit the RSG theories reduce to the Feigin-Fuchs construction. We find that the RSG S -matrices are characterized by a symmetry which generalizes supersymmetry to a fractional supersymmetry, and that the particles have fractional spin and statistics. In accordance with these results, we find some non-local chiral algebras in the minimal models that generalize the superconformal algebra, and whose currents are conserved in perturbation theory.
  • sine-Gordon model
  • dimension: 2
  • field theory: soliton
  • S-matrix: factorization
  • Yang-Baxter equation
  • field theory: conformal
  • supersymmetry: fractional
  • braid group
  • spin: statistics
  • statistics: spin