Multiparticle production in a two component dual parton model
Apr, 1991
55 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 45 (1992) 92-105
Report number:
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
The dual parton model (DPM) describes soft and semihard multiparticle production. The version of the DPM presented in this paper includes soft and hard mechanisms as well as diffractive processes. The model is formulated as a Monte Carlo event generator. We calculate in this model, in the energy range of the hadron colliders, rapidity distributions and the rise of the rapidity plateau with the collision energy, transverse-momentum distributions and the rise of average transverse momenta with the collision energy, multiplicity distributions in different pseudorapidity regions, and transverse-energy distributions. For most of these quantities we find a reasonable agreement with experimental data.- hadron hadron: interaction
- interaction: hadron hadron
- hadron: multiple production
- multiple production: hadron
- model: parton
- duality
- multiplicity: spectrum
- spectrum: multiplicity
- exchange: pomeron
- pomeron: exchange
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