Measuring V(ub) via nonleptonic decays of B mesons
Jul, 1991
25 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 45 (1992) 217-223
Report number:
- BNL-46461,
- PRL-TH-91-20,
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
We discuss the possibility of measuring Vub via nonleptonic decays of B mesons to exclusive two-meson final states by choosing modes that are theoretically "clean." These clean final states are chosen by requiring that no qq¯ of the same flavor should occur in them. The above requirement automatically leads to decays that proceed only via the spectator graphs in the decays of b, c, and s flavored mesons. These modes may offer a good handle on Vub, at a level comparable to that given by the exclusive semileptonic modes.- B: nonleptonic decay
- nonleptonic decay: B
- B: decay modes
- decay modes: B
- CKM matrix matrix
- model: spectator
- decay: amplitude analysis
- amplitude analysis: decay
- final-state interaction
- effective Hamiltonian