Constraints on anomalous W W gamma and W W gamma gamma couplings at 500-GeV linear e+ e- collider

Aug, 1991
9 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 272 (1991) 149-157
  • Published: 1991
Report number:
  • DESY-91-086

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
We examine the potential of a future 500 GeV linear e + e − collider (NLC) to probe the “minimal” set ( ϰ γ , λ γ ) of anomalous WW γ and WW γγ couplings via the (sub) processes γ →W + W − , e − γ →W − v and e + e − →W + W − , for comparison. Photon beams both from classical Bremsstrahlung and, notably, from backscattering laser light off e ± beams are considered. The differential cross sections d σ /d cos θ of the three reactions are calculated analytically and used as observables in a χ 2 analysis under identical assumptions on machine parameters. The constraints emerging from the use of laser photon beams appear very encouraging, are independent of ϰ Z and λ Z and impressively underline the importance of realizing laser photon beams at the NLC.
  • electron positron: linear collider
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • annihilation: electron positron
  • electron positron: inelastic scattering
  • inelastic scattering: electron positron
  • photon electron: interaction
  • interaction: photon electron
  • photon photon: interaction
  • interaction: photon photon
  • photon electron: Compton scattering