Gravitational radiation in high speed black hole collisions. 3. Results and conclusions

Mar 16, 1992
24 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 46 (1992) 694-701
Report number:
  • DAMTP-R-92-06

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
This paper summarizes results following from the two preceding papers, I and II, on the gravitational radiation emitted in the head-on collision of two black holes, each with energy μ, at or near the speed of light. The radiation (in the speed-of-light case) near the forward and backward directions θ^=0, π, where θ^ is the angle from the symmetry axis in the center-of-mass frame, is given by the series c0(τ^,θ^)=Σn=0∞a2n(τ^μ)sin2nθ^ for the news function c0 of retarded time τ^ and angle θ^; successive terms can in principle be found from a perturbation treatment. Here the form of a2(τ^μ) is presented. Knowledge of a2 allows the new mass-loss formula of paper I to be applied, giving a calculation of the mass of the (assumed) final Schwarzschild black hole. Since the "final mass" resulting from the calculation exceeds 2μ, the assumptions of the new mass-loss formula must not all hold. The most likely explanation is that there is a "second burst" of radiation present in the space-time, centered for small angles θ^ on retarded times roughly |8μlnθ^| later than the "first burst" described above. A more realistic crude estimate of the energy emitted in gravitational waves is given by the Bondi expression, taking only the first two terms a0 and a2 in c0; this gives an efficiency of 16.4% for gravitational wave generation.
  • gravitational radiation
  • black hole: scattering
  • scattering: black hole
  • symmetry: axial
  • perturbation theory
  • numerical calculations