Baryons in the vector limit

6 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 359 (1991) 423-428
  • Published: 1991

Citations per year

0 Citations
Abstract: (Elsevier)
We discuss the nonleptonic decays of Λ c in the vector limit. The symmetry predictions depend on the representations of SU(3) × SU(3) under which the baryons transform. We argue that either (8,1) + (1,8) or (3, 3 ) + ( 3 ,3) is permissible, but that the representation of the light baryons is tied to that of the Λ c .
  • K*(892)
  • symmetry: SU(3) x SU(3)
  • symmetry: vector
  • baryon: representation
  • selection rule
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments
  • Lambda/c+: nonleptonic decay
  • nonleptonic decay: Lambda/c+
  • Lambda/c+: width
  • Lambda/c+ --> p anti-K0