Determining the CP violating phase gamma
Dec, 199127 pages
Published in:
- Z.Phys.C 54 (1992) 653-660
Report number:
- CERN-TH-6238-91
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Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
The weak phase γ is conventionally probed by theBs→ρ0 mode. The predicted rate is tiny. Even if aBs→ρ0Ks rate difference could be established, it would not be clear that sin 2γ had been measured, because amplitudes with other weak phases may contribute significantly. Non-CP eigenstates, such asBs→Ds±K∓, have a two-fold advantage overBs→ρ0Ks. Their rates are orders of magnitude above that forBs→ρ0Ks, and they probe theCP-violating phase γ, without any contamination from other weak phases. Detailed time-dependent studies of non-CP eigenstates remove possible final-state phases and extract the weak phase γ.- modeal CP: violation
- B0 anti-B0: mixing
- CKM matrix matrix
- time dependence
- numerical calculations
- B/s: nonleptonic decay
- nonleptonic decay: B/s
- B/s: branching ratio
- B/s --> rho(770)0 K0(S)
- B/s --> D/s*(2110) K