Topological lattice models in four-dimensions
Jun 2, 199214 pages
Published in:
- Mod.Phys.Lett.A 7 (1992) 2799-2810
- hep-th/9205090 [hep-th]
Report number:
- RIMS-878
Citations per year
We define a lattice statistical model on a triangulated manifold in four dimensions associated to a group . When , the statistical weight is constructed from the -symbol as well as the -symbol for recombination of angular momenta, and the model may be regarded as the four-dimensional version of the Ponzano-Regge model. We show that the partition function of the model is invariant under the Alexander moves of the simplicial complex, thus it depends only on the piecewise linear topology of the manifold. For an orientable manifold, the model is related to the so-called model. The -analogue of the model is also constructed, and it is argued that its partition function is invariant under the Alexander moves. It is discussed how to realize the 't Hooft operator in these models associated to a closed surface in four dimensions as well as the Wilson operator associated to a closed loop. Correlation functions of these operators in the -deformed version of the model would define a new type of invariants of knots and links in four dimensions.Note:
- Dedicated to Huzihiro Araki and Noboru Nakanishi on occasion of their 60th birthdays
- gauge field theory: SU(2)
- gauge field theory: topological
- dimension: 3
- dimension: 4
- lattice field theory
- space-time: simplex
- partition function
- Clebsch-Gordan coefficients