Chiral gravity in two-dimensions

Aug 10, 1992
19 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 397 (1993) 239-259
Report number:
  • IASSNS-HEP-92-19,
  • MCGILL-92-26

Citations per year

It is shown that conformal matter with c_{\ssc L}\not=c_{\ssc R} can be consistently coupled to two-dimensional `frame' gravity. The theory is quantized, following David, and Distler and Kawai, using the derivation of their {\it ansatz} due to Mavromatos and Miramontes, and D'Hoker and Kurzepa. New super-selection rules are found by requiring SL(2,{\bf C}) invariance of correlation functions on the plane. There is no analogue of the c=1c=1 barrier found in non-chiral non-critical strings. A non-critical heterotic string is constructed---it has 744 states in its spectrum, transforming in the adjoint representation of (E8) 3.(E_8)~3. Correlation functions are calculated in this example.
  • quantum gravity: chiral
  • field theory: conformal
  • dimension: 2
  • central charge
  • integrability
  • superselection rule
  • partition function
  • string model: heterotic