Lectures at 28th Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Karpacz (Poland, 1992) by J.W. van Holten. Abstract: In these lectures the relations between symmetries, Lie algebras, Killing vectors and Noether's theorem are reviewed. A generalisation of the basic ideas to include velocity-dependend co-ordinate transformations naturally leads to the concept of Killing tensors. Via their Poisson brackets these tensors generate an {\em a priori} infinite-dimensional Lie algebra. The nature of such infinite algebras is clarified using the example of flat space-time. Next the formalism is extended to spinning space, which in addition to the standard real co-ordinates is parametrized also by Grassmann-valued vector variables. The equations for extremal trajectories (`geodesics') of these spaces describe the pseudo-classical mechanics of a Dirac fermion. We apply the formalism to solve for the motion of a pseudo-classical electron in Schwarzschild space-time.