Construction of realistic standard - like models in the free fermionic superstring formulation

Mar, 1992
24 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 387 (1992) 239-262
  • Published: 1992
Report number:
  • WIS-92-16-PH

Citations per year

I discuss in detail the construction of realistic superstring standard--like models in the four dimensional free fermionic formulation. The analysis results in a restricted class of models with unique characteristics: (i) Three and only three generations of chiral fermions with their superpartners and the correct Standard Model quantum numbers. (ii) Proton decay from dimension four and dimension five operators is suppressed due to gauged U(1)U(1) symmetries. (iii) There exist Higgs doublets from two distinct sectors, which can generate realistic symmetry breaking. (iv) These models explain the top--bottom mass hierarchy. At the trilinear level of the superpotential only the top quark gets a non vanishing mass term. The bottom quark and the lighter quarks and leptons get their mass terms from non renormalizable terms. This result is correlated with the requirement of a supersymmetric vacuum at the Planck scale. (v) The models predict the existence of small hidden gauge groups, like SU(3)SU(3), with matter spectrum in vector representations.
  • string model
  • supersymmetry
  • fermion: chiral
  • p: decay
  • decay: p
  • Higgs particle: doublet
  • mass: hierarchy
  • hierarchy: mass
  • quark: mass
  • mass: quark