The Neutralino relic density in minimal N=1N=1 supergravity

Jul, 1992

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We compute the cosmic relic (dark matter) density of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) in the framework of minimal N=1N=1 Supergravity models with radiative breaking of the electroweak gauge symmetry. To this end, we re--calculate the cross sections for all possible annihilation processes for a general, mixed neutralino state with arbitrary mass. Our analysis includes effects of all Yukawa couplings of third generation fermions, and allows for a fairly general set of soft SUSY breaking parameters at the Planck scale. We find that a cosmologically interesting relic density emerges naturally over wide regions of parameter space. However, the requirement that relic neutralinos do not overclose the universe does not lead to upper bounds on SUSY breaking parameters that are strictly valid for all combinations of parameters and of interest for existing or planned collider experiments/ in particular, gluino and squark masses in excess of 5 TeV cannot strictly be excluded. On the other hand, in the ``generic'' case of a gaugino--like neutralino whose annihilation cross sections are not ``accidentally'' enhanced by a nearby Higgs or ZZ pole, all sparticles should lie within the reach of the proposed pppp and e+ee^+e^- supercolliders. We also find that requiring the LSP to provide all dark matter predicted by inflationary models imposes a strict lower bound of 40 GeV on the common scalar mass mm at the Planck scale, while the lightest sleptons would have to be heavier
  • 53 pages(8figs are not included), Latex file/ DESY 92-101, SLAC-PUB-5860
  • supergravity
  • sparticle: neutral particle
  • sparticle: annihilation
  • annihilation: sparticle
  • postulated particle: LSP
  • dark matter
  • sparticle: mass
  • mass: sparticle
  • cross section
  • numerical calculations